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Tailings - Slurry - Soft Soil Consolidation Analysis

FSCA is a 1D finite strain consolidation analysis software used to determine rate and amount of settlement for tailings, slurry and soft soils. FSCA is based on the finite strain consolidation theory (Gibson et al. 1967*). The software implements advanced consolidation analysis techniques and know-how available in the field of geotechnical engineering. The software suites both practical and R&D purposes.

​FSCA fast facts:

  • Quiescent, pond filling and thickener analyses.

  • Homogeneous and non-homogenous layers.

  • Existing pond analysis.

  • Evaporation analysis.

  • Single, double and hydro-geologic boundary conditions.

  • Pseudo sedimentation-consolidation analysis.

  • Robust numerical solver with automatic node redistribution.

  • 1D and Pseudo 3D pond filling options.

  • Runtime consolidation visualization.

  • Tailings toolbox (compressibility, hydraulic conductivity estimation; total settlement estimation; solids conversion).

  • MS Excel / GrapherTM user friendly.

Finite strain consolidation

* Gibson, R.E., England, G.L. and Hussey M.J.L. 1967. The Theory of One-dimensional Consolidation of Saturated Clays. I. Finite Non-linear Consolidation of Thin Homogeneous Layers. Géotechnique, 17(3): 261–273.

Quiescent Model



The quiescent model is a model with an initially defined solids mass without addition or withdrawal of the material out of the original setting. Such model is suitable for an old tailings pond, an experimental standpipe test, and a large strain consolidation test.

Pond Filling Model



The pond filling model is used to simulate consolidation behaviour of a slurry material in a containment which is undergoing both filling and quiescent periods.

Thickener Model



This model is used to simulate a thickener operation where new material is added at the top of the thickener and the older/densified material is withdrawn at the base.

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